Friday, February 5, 2010

Thing 6

I checked out several nings and I have to admit, nothing knocked my socks off. I find the interface unnecessarily cluttered. I appreciate that it is one more way for people to find a community of interest with whom to share information and ideas and collaborate on projects, but it is not, for me, the most appealing format for that activity.

Moreover, I sometimes think all these "new" sites and networks are just more of the same. If we keep moving to the next best website/network/interface to come along, we lose interest in our previous connections and communities, which sort of defeats the purpose. How many networks can we belong to without becoming overwhelmed? Can I keep up with my moodles, my wikis, my forums, my nings, my facebook, my blog, my podcast, my twitter and my LinkedIn groups? I get exhaused just thinking about it.


  1. Good points. I do feel their is a limit to how many tools anyone can use successfully. We all need to pick those tools that work best given our situations. I like this 23 Things project because it gives people a chance to try many tools in a short period of time.

  2. Perhaps a Ning that holds your interests does not exist yet. Many of the English/Language Arts teachers in ASH's 23 Things found a Ning that seem to tantalize their interest.
